Talking About Noise

Episode #86 - My Open Mic



Don't forget to subscribe to the podcast and share us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ !Episode 85 - Welcome back for another week of mad knowledge, this week the guys discuss Eric's open Mic experience in which Eric is just glad he got out with his life.  Next the guys move on to the News and Art is ready for his patented "ART RANT" which we have one of the best first-world-problems as Art tells us why Apple is ruining America...and the world.  Next the guys talk about the remaining news from last week's Frank Ocean release and Eric's conspiracy theory that Tupac didn't actually die since he is opening a pop up restaurant.In the production segment Art and Eric discuss their approaches to mixing and why neither of them seem to have a good idea on how to mix.  Come listen in for some interesting tips on an approach to mixing. Visit The Swoop at: theswooptheband.comPlease join the conversation by emailing usWe would love to hear from you!Don't forget to subscribe to the podca