

“Sometimes the best way to find inspiration is to ask an important question.” This Habits 2 Goals episode is FREE for ALL subscribers.In this episode, Jen and I discuss the significance of motivation and inspiration and their relationship to goal achievement.Inspiration tends to be intrinsic, while motivation can be both intrinsic and extrinsic.Both inspiration and motivation are powerful assets for goal achievement. Each has its place and neither is “better” than the other.Wayne Dyer used to suggest that inspiration was a calling from the spirit within. He would often say, “If you want to be inspired, be an inspiration.”How can you apply these ideas to your goals?Consider the person who doesn’t feel inspired to get fit yet, they know they must. They could change their environment, hire a fitness coach, and get a gym membership (external motivation).Motivation is both the carrot and the stick. Typically, it’s the desire to avoid pain that provides the greatest motivation.Both motivation and inspiration are t