Ink And Worm

Ink and Worm 21: Characters



NEYSA LOZANO Is an actress, model, comedian and friend as well as a graduate from NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts. The Books: “Are You My Mother?” (Eres mi mama?) by Dr. Suess “Lord of the Rings” by J.R. Tolkien “Wolf in White Van” by John Darnielle “The Magicians Nephew,” “The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe” and “The Chronicles of Narnia” by C.S. Lewis Robert Crumb The Music: “Universal Traveler” by Air & “Alley Cats” by Hot Chip Writing: Write an inner monologue for a character you don’t understand (your own or from a book you have read recently). Reading: Read Shakespeare out loud. #inkandworm #rfb #readingplans #catsmeow #confessions #gilmoregirls #elliabisker #plays #readingplays #readaloud #perspective #characters #catonahottinroof #acting #uofu #grandma #thescarletpimpernel #Aldonza #ManofLaMancha #Sondheim #thewitch #intothewoods #thelittlemermaid #villans #gollum #lotr #fairytales #writing #motivations #shakepeare #juliet #readingshakespeare #findingtruth #consonants #vowels #feminineendings #