Fireflies Unite Podcast With Kea

#SecureTheBag: Get Your Money, Mental Health & Life In Order Featuring Patrice Washington



“#Securethebag” is what we constantly see and hear on social media yet so many of us are unfilled and putting on a facade. Did you know that there is a connection between your finances and mental health? So, if you want to really secure the bag, make sure your mental health is in check!In fact, some individuals with bipolar disorder go on shopping splurges when they are in a manic episode. 86% of people who participated in a Money and Mental Health survey of nearly 5,500 people said that their financial situation made their mental health problems worse. Financial difficulties are linked to low mood, anxiety, guilt, panic attacks, insomnia, suicide ideation, and self-harm. Not to mention, stress can cause a heart attack and so many other health problems.To help me with today’s episode, I am joined with American’s Money Maven & Financial Expert Patrice Washington of The Redefining Wealth Podcast. Patrice is a nationally recognized best-selling author, featured columnist, television commentator, transformati