Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

Are You A Dominatrix in Business? ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Are you a Dominatrix in Business? Hello beautiful being, are you suffering from the need to crack the sexy whip and dominate all of your business activities?  Is this causing you to be worn out, burned out and excluded from the fun stuff you’d really like to be doing? This week is an auspicious one to open the container of all that is sexy and sexual about business and have a deep look at what is working for you and what is not.  Maybe those thigh highs are best in the bedroom and not the boardroom, let’s discuss. Don’t want to wait for next lifetime to have pleasure in the boardroom and the bedroom?  I suggest you join me live and participate in the show. But beware, nothing will ever be the same again.  Jennifer’s clients are experiencing quantum leaps in how they approach their business and life, resulting in them dumping the negative mindset, tsunami emotions, flatlining energy and poisonous situations that were holding them back, and embracing new systems, strateg