Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

Bold Boundaries: When to Tell People to F#cK Off



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis If your boundaries need a bold and irreverent refresher, look no further. You are going to want to join me and my mystery guest LIVE for a discussion on bold boundaries for today’s age. Why? Because I find that the very people who love the most and offer the most to the planet need to learn to tell people to F*cK Off faster and more often. How can you do that in a way that is clear, unambiguous and sets bright pilon orange boundaries? I am thrilled to have a mystery guest for this lively discussion. He’s a master at telling people to F 0 and still manages to get raises and special privileges from the very same people he sets boundaries with. I find it so delightful, you just have to meet him. A truly divine masculine embodiment, my friend is someone you need to meet if you think that all conscious men are pushovers. All you people pleasers in burnout… this is a sign…join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time Friday in the studio