Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

How to Escape Mom Burnout ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Hello beautiful mom, I would love to show you how to escape burnout. All those mom tasks and so little time to do them, good luck having any time for self care or even a solo trip to the bathroom let alone working on your biz, it’s burnout for you if you don’t escape. In this masterclass I am going to show you a process that I created for a client who was so burned out that she cried through every session we had for the first 3 months, and it was so great that mastered my process I gave her. She then created a half a million in income for her business in the next 6 months after those 3 months of emotional release. All you business owner moms in burnout… this is a sign… this information is for you to use to escape the burnout fast track…join me Live here at 1PM Pacific Standard time Friday in the studio chat for live facilitation or on the #replay wherever you watch or listen @big fat lies jennifer cramer lewis on your podcast or vi