Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

How To Know Who Loves You Correctly ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  I have been asking a lot of questions lately about love and who loves me correctly. Is it possible to know who loves you correctly way before you enter a love relationship? I believe you can. In this live event I am going to share the number one frequency that your human design profile needs to feel love. How valuable would it be for you to know ONE frequency you can look for and ask for? Of course I am going to be dropping truth nuggets for your profile and the one of your potential love mate, so you already know what would be important for them to receive. In this broadcast I am going to share a transmission from spirit about you,love and being loved, breaking ancestral patterns, healing and rewriting your existence into loving yourself and providing nourishing loving experiences for your future. It’s bigger than you and your relationship trauma, this is a sign… this information is for you to use to have way more love, time, health, wealth and happiness everywhere…jo