Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

How To Be A Troublemaker For Personal Success ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis Are you willing to be a troublemaker if it means getting closer to your version of personal success? Or does the thought of being a troublemaker make you squish down to nothingness and avoid everything about it causing your personal success to be eroded? In this live event I am going to share the way to be a sassier, more troublemaking version of yourself that has the keys to your personal success’o’meter and isn’t afraid to use them. How valuable would it be for you to know that you can be perceived as both successful and a troublemaker and none of it having anything to do with you and what you are doing? Of course I am going to be dropping truth nuggets for your human design and gene keys profiles, plus downloading from source, the information and codes that are live right now. In this broadcast I am going to share a transmission from spirit about you, wildnesst, breaking ancestral patterns, healing and rewriting your existence into loving yourself and providing nouri