Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

Why 24/7 Striving Is Insane, & What to Do Instead



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Let’s be clear, I have the striving badge and it has made me insane at times. I know that there is a better way to be in business and make a great living that does not include striving or making yourself insane with the level of work you are doing. This week in my autowriting session I got the message about striving. That so much of what I have been programmed to do was to be an achiever, a striver, a hard worker, smart, accomplished and that it was everything that had made me sick in the past and if I didn’t completely cut the cords, it could make me sick in the future. In this live event I am going to share with you: The Patriarchical connection to striving and why that doesn’t make women deeply satisfied or wealthy.. Like ever! How to keep tabs on your striving nature and rein that racehorse in Energy flips that you can do to move from accomplishing nothing to receiving dynamically What nature has to show us about cycles and seasons that we can incorporate into busi