Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

How To Move On After A Breakup, Using Human Design



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Healing and moving on after a breakup can be hard. Did you know that your human design chart can give you some insights on how to move on after a breakup and develop deep trust in your own life and love path? In tapping into the content of this class / show, I was shown a flower that is unfolding over and over. That this flower is you. Each petal opening and allowing you to grow into the deeply beautiful soul you incarnated to be. By the end of this show you will have: >Deep insights into the “reason” your relationship “didn’t work” in your Human Design >The correct energy to invite into your world as a new love interest (if you are ready) from your Charts Let’s change it together?! What if we play a game? I show you how to see what energies are essential for healthy and lasting love for you and you see what changes? Best results will be if you make the time to attend live at 3:00 PST and log into the chatroom at *Listen now on the Inspire