Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis

5 Tips For Empathic Business Owners ~ Jennifer Cramer Lewis



Big Fat Lies with Jennifer Cramer Lewis  Do you know you are Empathic and often feel the vibe of the room before you go in it? Are your empathic abilities stopping you from going for it in business because you feel your client’s pain too deeply and don’t want to ask for the order or make them feel uncomfortable? In tapping into the content of this show, I was shown that often as empathic beings, we feel our client’s pain more than they do and the results of them living with this pain is very painful to us. BUT what if there were better ways to manage your empathic abilities and still be profitable and productive as business owners? By the end of this show you will have: 5 Tips to manage and grow your business even as a deeply empathic being Dynamic framing exercises to ground your body and make “sense” of what your senses are showing you. Let’s get and stay free from being a little too empathic together?! What if we play a game? I show you how to translate the empathic messages you are receiving and transmute