Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

Personal Update: Lifestyle Designing, Portugal Beckoning, Instagram Resisting, and Supplements Enhancing, and Lots More #445



Another personal update from me as it's been a while (obviously there was supposed to be one at Glastonbury but that didn't quiiiite happen. Coming up... Why I'm in Portugal and recording this from Lagos. Lifestyle Design and what that means The pull of instagram and how to resist it The creative life and deep work Specialized Pro-Resolving Mediators and how SPMS might be an interesting supplement for you. And lots more.    THIS SHOW IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY: BiOptimizers — Four out of five Americans are magnesium deficient, and almost everyone is at suboptimal levels. That’s a big problem because magnesium is involved in more than 600 biochemical reactions in your body. Now here’s what most people DON’T know: taking just any magnesium supplement won’t solve your problem because most supplements use the cheapest kinds that your body can’t use or absorb. That’s why I exclusively recommend Magnesium Breakthrough. It’s the only full-spectrum magnesium supplement with seven unique forms of magnesium that your body