Golf Strategy School Podcast

GSS 128: Breaking 80 w/ Tempo & Distance Control



Last week we touched on how structuring your short game practices can help you break 80.  This week it's all about tempo & distance control (and how to practice them).   Randomized or variable practice is the real key here.  You need to have a different target or different club in your hand for every shot of your practice.  A great way to do this is to take one club and try to hit a ball short of the green, then long of the green, then on the green.  This will help build your "on demand" distance control.   If you want more info on the Breaking 80 Blueprint (where I share a boatload of these practices with you and provide additional support and coaching) click here: Friend of the show Chris Finn from Par 4 Success has put together a free assessment to see how your four main rotation centers measure up to other golfers.  Visit to get your free assessment!