Madison Church

Rising Above the Age of Outrage | The World's Gone Mad (Part 1) | Daniel Dougherty



Do you ever feel like outrage has become the norm in today's culture? From social media arguments to polarizing political debates, it seems like everyone is itching for a fight. In this thought-provoking episode, we tackle the challenge of living in an age of outrage, and how to embody grace in our conversations. As followers of Jesus, we're called to make a difference rather than simply make a point, so we explore how our approach to conversation can set us apart in a world that thrives on division and conflict.We dive into the metaphor of salt for wisdom, as Paul teaches us to bring out the best flavors in discussions. By asking good questions and responding with gentleness and respect, we show our willingness to understand and connect with others. By living counterculturally and refusing to add fuel to the outrage fire, we can set ourselves apart and make a real impact. Join us as we learn how to embody grace and navigate the often tumultuous world of dialogue, making a difference one conversatio