Madison Church

Pray Like This... (Part 4) | Confession | Stephen Feith



None of us genuinely enjoy admitting when we’ve blown it. There’s a lot of shame when acknowledging that we’re wrong. This stunts our spiritual growth and connection with God.We’re in the fourth week of a series called Pray Like This… We’re taking The Lord’s Prayer and breaking it down line-by-line to learn about different tools and ways to pray. Today, we’re talking about confession. Which means we’ve got to talk about the s-word: “Forgive us of our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us” (Matthew 6:12, NLT).Sin is the actions and thoughts that create space between us, God, and other people. Sometimes sin is objective. “Do not murder” is pretty objective. Murdering is a sin that creates space between you and God. Other times, sin is more subjective. The answer could be yes, depending on who you are; it could be no, depending on who you are.The Bible isn’t a giant cosmic rulebook. It’s the story of God. In that story are people and our sins. We need forgiveness. That’s the humble part of Christian