Madison Church

Easter Sunday 2023



The day before the first Easter was a day before there were any Christians. It was a day before churches. The Bible didn't exist yet. There was no reason to celebrate that first Easter Sunday, which is worth discussing today.In the afternoon after Jesus's crucifixion, two men go to Pontius Pilate and ask permission to remove his body from the cross. After retrieving Jesus's body, they prepare it for burial according to Jewish custom. Then they placed him in a cave and sealed it with a stone. Both these men, along with many others, had hoped Jesus was who he had been claiming to be. At this moment before Easter, they concluded clearly Jesus was not.There were no Jesus followers anymore. Nobody believed that Jesus was the Son of God. He wasn't the Savior. He couldn't even save himself...Not only had Jesus died, but so did his movement. Nobody was planning on keeping the movement moving. Why bother? Jesus wasn't who he claimed to be, which was the whole point of the movement. His fo