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Strengths as Catharsis: Finding Comfort in Your Talents (S4E2)



On a recent Called to Coach, we spoke with Gallup-Certified Strengths Coach, Lopamudra Das.Since childhood, Lopamudra was interested in self-discovery. Despite this keen interest, Lopa often struggled to understand her behavior. Lopa was introduced to the Strengths movement a few years ago -- and learning about and understanding her strengths has made her journey to self-discovery easier and more meaningful. Lopa found catharsis in her self-awareness through strengths -- it has helped her be comfortable with her natural talents. Lopa has translated her affinity for self-discovery into coaching. She loves helping people understand their key talents and then nurturing those key talents into productive strengths. For instance, Lopa had a client that felt constantly financially insecure -- despite his steady and successful job and diverse portfolio of investments. Lopa was confused about the contradiction between the client's fears and his actual financial reality until "I did a deep dive into his strengths and p