Coffee & Kettlebells

Reframing what Fit Motherhood looks like with Emily Breeze



Today we’re joined by a badass, mom of 3, personal trainer, and CrossFit athlete – Emily Breeze. Emily’s built her career up around this motto: you don’t have to be fit to start, but you have to start to be fit. Her followers love her for her authentic and honest take on how to incorporate fitness into your everyday life. As a mom of two with one on the way, I’m super passionate about what it looks like to stay fit as a mom. Emily shares that for her to be a happy mother and wife, she needs that 30 - 60 minutes to sweat every day. But, Emily also believes that the world is our playground when it comes to working out. She shares inspiration on how you can fit that workout in nearly anywhere. It’s so easy to forget that working out is simply moving your body. Emily reminds us how important it is to find the movement that works for you. With three kids under three, Emily also has a lot of perspective on motherhood, pregnancy, and where fitness fits. We chat about the fitness shaming that too often goes on when w