
Jumpstarting Goals of Care Convos: Erin Kross, Bob Lee, and Ruth Engelberg



Today’s podcast is a follow up to our 2018 podcast with Randy Curtis about the Jumpstart intervention.  On that podcast he and collaborators tested a combined patient and clinician facing communication priming intervention to promote goals of care conversations.  Today we discuss a new paper in JAMA that tests a stripped down version of the clinician only facing intervention in a pragmatic randomized trial for older adults with serious illness and those 80+.  They found a difference of 4% in documented goals of care discussions.  Is 4% meaningful?  You’ll have to decide for yourself, though it likely is meaningful on a population basis.  Intriguingly, in a sub-analysis, they found a much higher rate of difference among minoritized older adults - more like 10%.  In a compelling editorial, Doug White and Sarah Anderson argue that even a 4% difference is important on a population basis, and that higher rates of difference among minoritized older adults demonstrate the potential of the intervention to address lon