

JOIN US: We are hosting a FREE one-day conference on July 20th, 2023 to help you unlock the full potential of your writing with the transformative power of prayer so that God can use your words to impact lives for eternity. Register for free here: The Power of Building Your Team As authors, it's easy to fall into the trap of doing everything on our own, but today we'll discover the power of building your team and how it can transform your journey in independent publishing. Remember, you don't have to go it alone. By surrounding yourself with talented individuals who share your passion, you can create a book that truly shines. Download Your Publishing Map If you want to write and publish a book but don't know where to start, this Publishing Map is for you. You will learn Shelley's 9 simple steps inside her publishing map that will help you gain clarity on your next steps. Download it now for free here. Join Our Procrastination to Publication Workshop With our simple