Bill Kelly Show

Immigration Report: Need to welcome more newcomers, Ban on arms sales to Turkey imposed – why? & Roadmap to reform in Canada’s healthcare system!



The Bill Kelly Show Podcast: At a time when skeptics are questioning Canada's plan to ramp up immigration, a new report argues the country needs to welcome a lot more newcomers to counter-balance its aging demographic. A Desjardins report released Monday analyzes how much population growth among working-age Canadians is necessary to maintain the old-age dependency ratio, which refers to the ratio between 15 to 64-year-olds and those aged 65 and older. GUEST: Randall Bartlett Senior Director of Canadian Economics for Desjardins - The Canadian government says a ban on arms sales to Turkey was imposed “for important reasons” – and remains intact today – but refuses to divulge whether it’s in talks with Ankara about lifting it. GUEST: Steven Chase, Senior Parliamentary Reporter for the Globe and Mail - Discussions on healthcare in Canada typically revolve around spending and who pays. The people’s actual needs for healthcare and support get less attention and even less action. Yet far too many Canadians lack acce