Glass Box Podcast

Ep 128 — Haun’s Mill Massacre | Liberty Jail; Saints: The Standard of Truth-iness pt. 7



The conclusion of the Missouri-Mormon war of 1838! Two events which are incredibly infamous in Mormon history, the Haun’s Mill Massacre, and the Liberty Jail stint, feature throughout this episode. But we discuss the context that led to the circumstances and the criminal proceedings that resulted from the war once Joseph Smith and the Mormons had surrendered. While certain figures are vilified for turning against the prophet, we spend a bit more time with those individuals to see what they had to say for themselves. The section ends with the Mormon resettlement in Quincy, Illinois and Joseph escaping prison to live the rest of his days a fugitive of murder, arson, robbery, larceny, and treason. Then we wrap with some good news about consumption, or TB!   Show notes: