MAGA First News with Peter Boykin




Cranky Joe BidenJoe Biden is reportedly known to lash out at his White House staff in unprovoked profanity-laden tirades. swings such as irritability and anger are both signs of dementia, according to the National Library of Medicine.Behind closed doors, White House staffers try to avoid Biden's cranky moods by avoiding meetings with him. According to former and current Biden aides, some of the phrases he's known for using are:"God dammit, how the f**k don't you know this?!" "Don't f**king bullsh*t me!""Get the f**k out of here!"This should come as no surprise. While his handlers try and hide his petulance, it often spills over in public. During the 2020 primary campaign, a Democrat voter challenged one of his policies so Biden challenged him to a push-up contest and called him fat. This is just another reason voters agree increasingly questioning Biden's mental fitness. A recent NBC News poll found that 68% of voters are concern