Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris

Slime Free Selling with Kendrick Shope



I'm really excited to get talking about something that is the cornerstone of a successful business... sales! I know A LOT of online business owners who say they're no good at it or that they hate it but I encourage you to listen to my chat with Kendrick. She's giving some actionable steps to handle sales calls in a way that both convert and also don't feel gross. We're also talking about the art of the follow up, and why it's such an important (and often overlooked) step in the sales process.A little about Kendrick…Kendrick Shope is the Creator of Authentic Selling, a process designed to take the ick out of selling so that you can do more of what you love, make money, and, make a difference. In her previous life, Kendrick worked for 3 Fortune 500 companies and was a top performing sales representative. You can learn more about Authentic Selling at kendrickshope.com, K TV or on NBC Chicago, where Kendrick is a regular contributor.ResourcesLearn more about Sales School Check out Ke