Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris

How I Became The Stacey Harris



On July 5, 2011 I opened up my first business, and now 3 years later it looks TOTALLY different. Seriously that photo was my first website. So you can see things have changed. In this episode I'ms sharing how my business has evolved. I'm sharing because this month I want to kick off the idea that we need to all spend some time looking back. Look at how far we've come and celebrate it. Also I want us to all evaluate where we are now because that's the best way to figure out what we need to do next to get where we want to be next. I'd LOVE to hear more about your story and what you have coming up in next so hit the comments and share what you've got going on.ResourcesGrow Your List Without An Ebook Webinar Breaking Down Ideal Clients with The Stacey Harris LIVE Show My interview with Maggie Patterson - Picking Your Social Platforms with Stacey Harris Finding Your Own Success The Rock Star SessionsConnect with MeGet YOUR question on a future episode Email me at hello@thestaceyharris