Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris

Private Podcast Feeds: 3 Ways to Use Them to Grow Your Business



Since we launched the Podcast Newsroom in August we’ve had a blast, but also we’ve received A TON of questions around how business owners can incorporate private content into their business.  Today we’re answering that with three ways you can use a private podcast to serve your existing clients, your team, and your leads. It’s a BIG one today so jump right in and listen here. We’ve got another double feature for you this week because we’re doing something EXTRA special over on The Podcast Newsroom if after you listen to today’s episode you’re like, YES, please me next! I’m breaking down the tools we use and walking you through a bit of training around what you need to get this implemented in Q4. Find the show notes for this episode at https://uncommonlymore.com/private-podcast-feeds-3-ways-to-use-your-them-to-grow-your-business/Support the show