Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris

How Podcasters Can Use Behind The Scenes Content to Build Trust and Drive Sales



Let's dig into some behind-the-scenes content suggestions for you because this is I think the most tossed-out idea when people start talking about content ideas. They're like, "Oh, we'll take a behind-the-scenes." Sometimes that is met with a complete shutoff because the service provided or the consumable being offered is very visual, and taking the behind-the-scenes of manufacturing, that's really hard to do on a podcast.  Today, I want to talk specifically about some ways you can do this regardless of how visual your offering is, regardless of how in the weeds or techy your solution might feel. We're going to talk about three ways you can do this. I really encourage you to look at your Q2 content calendar and pick at least one of these. This could be something you do all the time and it'd be incredibly helpful.Support the show