Hit The Mic With The Stacey Harris

Introducing the Profitable Podcaster Mastermind



It is possible to enjoy your podcast, but you have to build a few systems into your process first. In fact, if more podcasters did this earlier in their show, there would be a lot fewer podcasts that seem just to fizzle out and disappear.   Yeah, I’m talking about all those podcasts currently collecting dust in the far corners of the internet because the host got burned out, overwhelmed, and decided podcasting was a waste of time. Maybe you’ve seen this happen to one of your favorites (I know I have).   Don’t be that dusty podcast (host). Let’s do it differently.   We’ve developed three systems that I believe DEEPLY every podcaster needs. A reliable process to move through that allows you to review every aspect of your podcast A repeatable asset that you can pull out when you need it. A supportive process for pSupport the show