Boost Your Boutique With Emily Benson

Boutiques’ Pivotal Next Six Months



3:13.7: I'm worried that so many boutique owners think there's one way to do things. 3:44.7:  It's just so important to be your unique self and only do the things that you want to do.6:34.5: One of the biggest things I see across the board and boutique land is this turnover. 8:16.2: This is a good double-check on, do I really need to buy this? So many of you are overbought. Even working with people who are helping you with buying plans. I'm shocked to hear how many well-established companies are having people overbuy.11:57.5: It's an opportunity for you to re-examine your business. What days you're open, how it's structured, what you do in your business. Do you do more events, uh, and have fewer store hours open, right? Do you teach classes on something that you're interested in?12:32.8: I think you're going to have to have a multi-dimensional boutique business. You're going to have to be able to scale up to the point where the business can support you.14:49.6: We need to continue to challenge