Compliance Perspectives

Guillem Casoliva Cabana on Ambassador Programs [Podcast]



By Adam Turteltaub More and more organizations seem to be adopting compliance ambassadors or champions programs. In a nutshell, these efforts involve having members of the business unit serve as the eyes and ears, and sometimes arms and legs, of the compliance office. Guillem Casoliva Cabana (LinkedIn), Compliance Manager, Training & Education, at shares his insights on the topic in this podcast. The company’s ambassadors program began over 10 years ago. Recruiting and training ambassadors is a critical part of the process at They are not nominated by their managers. Instead, all are individuals who volunteered to take on the role. At times, it can even be competitive. If more than one person in a given unit volunteers, there is a vote taken in the unit to make the selection. The onboarding process includes seven distinct steps, including a live session with the compliance and ethics team that goes deep into the scenarios that they may face. Experienced ambassadors serve as mentor