Zestology: Live Life with Energy, Vitality, Motivation, Health, Confidence, Great Sleep, Biohacking ...

Blue Zone Secrets, Eating Organic, and Being Healthy is Well Easy, feat. Sonny Drinkwater #444



Sonny Drinkwater is the visionary behind Well Easy, a platform dedicated to making healthy living more affordable for everyone. He's outrageously young too for someone doing such impressive work in the world.  We dive deep into the importance of organic eating, discussing its numerous benefits, and exploring ways to incorporate it into our lives without breaking the bank (important). Sonny also shares unique insights on the longevity-rich regions of the world known as "Blue Zones", especially Japan, and how these regions could provide key strategies for our health and wellbeing.  I really enjoyed this discussion on organic eating, Blue Zones, and making healthy living accessible to all.