Golf Strategy School Podcast

GSS 133: Make the Most of Your Offseason



For those of us less fortunate golfers with long snowy winters, it feels like your game is on pause for months every year. Despite that feeling and the fact that you can’t get out on the course, you can still improve over the winter season. Today’s lesson has nothing to do with swing mechanics or even course strategy, instead, we’ll be discussing the golf offseason and how you can make the most out of your time off the course. Measuring the areas of your game that have the greatest negative impact, along with the frequency of these issues is one of the quickest ways to determine where your focus should be going into the offseason. Ask yourself, where is my skill level? And where is my ceiling? As we said, with short putts, your skill level is likely high and your ceiling is not much higher. With long putts, your skill level and make percentage is going to be low with a low ceiling of improvement opportunity. Where you’re likely to see the biggest difference in skill level compared to ability ceiling, is putts