Diabetes Connections With Stacey Simms | Type 1 Diabetes |

How we sent our 16-year-old son with T1D six thousand miles away - without us



My son Benny is back from a four week trip halfway around the world with a non-diabetes camp program. He says it was amazing! To be honest, I had a really hard time with it. This week, we share how we prepared, what went wrong, how Benny deals with feeling different on these types of trips and a lot more. This episode first aired in August of 2021 Previous episodes with Benny: 14 years of T1D Benny & Stacey talk untethered and more on their way to the endo Talking about Control IQ & addressing kids' questions about diabetes Our 12 year diaversary Ten years of T1D - our whole family speaks up This podcast is not intended as medical advice. If you have those kinds of questions, please contact your health care provider. Please visit our Sponsors & Partners - they help make the show possible! Take Control with Afrezza  Omnipod - Simplify Life Learn about Dexcom  Check out VIVI Cap to protect your insulin from extreme temperatures Learn more about AG1 from Athletic Greens  Drive research that matters