The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

524 Dealing With Problems As The Leader



Some problems are relatively difficult and can be fixed, ignored or coped with.  Others are more substantial and can place the entire enterprise at risk.  Covid certainly struck some industries harder than others and we have seen many venerable establishments disappear.  The Japanese government wisely made low-interest loans available to many companies on the basis that keeping the doors open and the staff employed would be a better outcome for the economy.  In 2008, during the Global Financial Crisis, the Australian government pumped money into the economy and the country sailed through that crisis unscathed.  This works at the macro level but what about what is going on inside the organisations?  Staff realise that business is bad and they become concerned about the ability of the organisation to survive.  When something like Covid affects a whole industry, there may be no real alternatives for those staff thinking of leaving.  A case of “am I jumping out of the frying pan into the fire?”.  What should the