Stay Calm Don't Panic

Episode 114: Sneaking



When teens start sneaking around to get what they want or need, it can be tempting to freak out and “lay down the law.” Tobin offers a different perspective on what might be behind sneaky behavior and how to talk about it with your teenager. . . In this episode, we mentioned the following resources: - Teen Therapy: What Do I Do with a Sneaky Kid? - Psychology Today: Get Out! Sneaky Kids and Prying Parents Make a Toxic Mix - QDT: How to Curb Your Kid’s Sneaky Behavior - Previous stereotypes in the summer podcast series: Perfectionism, Laziness, Lying, Gossip . . Visit our website: Subscribe to get the episodes in your inbox: Follow Us: Instagram | Facebook | Twitter . . Podcast Music by: Luke Cabrera & Tobin Hodges Hosted by: Tobin Hodges Produced by: Karlie Duke & Kelly Fann --- Support this podcast: