Science On Top

SoT 115: Ozzie-Nauts



Mighty Maggots v Flesh Nom Bugs was a Pozible campaign that raised $9,970 for a trial. The trial aims to assess the ability of maggots to improve the rate of healing for people with Bairnsdale Ulcer lesions. A new malaria vaccine has a 100% success rate in a small study. While promising, there are a lot of obstacles that need to be dealt with before this could be a viable Real World treatment. The Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) has admitted that radioactive water has been leaking from the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant into the Pacific Ocean. A material inspired by the cactus plant cleans tiny particles of oil from water. 100,000 adventurous people have signed up for a one-way trip to Mars. But did they read the timeline before signing on the dotted line?