Science On Top

SoT 176: An Echoing Amphitheater of Taste



The UK parliament has voted to allow so-called 'three-person babies", a controversial method of IVF using with DNA from two women and one man. Scientists at a US conference have said it is time to actively try to contact intelligent life on other worlds. Researchers at the University of Illinois and colleagues at Nanjing University in China have found that the Earth’s inner core has an inner core inside it. An inner core in an inner core. The Conservation Canines program at the University of Washington trains dogs to sniff for the poop of endangered animals. More than forty dogs have been trained to sniff out up to 12 species each: wolverines, tapirs, iguanas, and even orcas. And high-speed cameras have answered a question we’ve always wanted to know: how does popcorn pop?