Science On Top

SoT 218: It Rips Its Face Off



The American Statistical Association has issued a warning over the misuse of P values. The group says P values cannot determine whether a hypothesis or true of if results are important. In April scientists will begin drilling into the Chicxulub crater, site of the meteorite impact that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs. They hope to examine how life rebounded after the mass extinction and to learn more about the formation of 'peak ring craters'. The tiny jellyfish-like Hydra have no mouth, instead they rip their whole face open whenever they eat. And now a team from the University of California, San Diego, have worked out how. Now they just want to know the why.   Dr. Cassandra Perryman is a psychologist at University of Queensland, and you can follow her on Facebook here. This episode may contain traces of Professor Tamara Davis on ABC Q&A.