Nicole Bremner

The creative Producer behind The Real Life of Brands #43



‘We won’t mention what the short comedy is about…!’ Marina Conway-Gordon, producer of short comedy Get Notted.Marina Conway-Gordon is a media strategist and producer. Joining East Eight in 2016, she helped develop the East Eight story which attracted over £6.4m in equity crowdfunding over 18 months. Marina is a firm advocate of storytelling over advertising; attraction versus promotion in business. ‘It’s only going to get louder out there, and what differentiates you is story.’ Marina is also a scriptwriter and at the time of this podcast was getting ready to launch her latest short comedy, Get Notted! funded entirely on Kickstarter. It’s now been made and going through festivals. But we won't mention what it's about... In this podcast: -The importance of story and messaging - Being creative in business - Bringing a sense of humor and the ‘real’ to media strategy. Now a creative producer at her own production company The Real Life of Brands - launching 1 May, the focus is on real feel storytelling i