Nicole Bremner

Defining your brand before the world defines it for you, with award-winning brand specialist Kubi Springer #105



“Success is made up of tiny, small daily decisions, there are no big moments, there are just daily decisions that slowly, incrementally take you towards the destination.” My guest this week is brand consultant and speaker, Kubi Springer, who has over 24 years’ experience working with some of the world’s best-known brands, from Adidas and Nike to Aston Martin and Rolls Royce. Her brand journey began back in 1996 when she took an internship with MTV, which led her to work with celebrities such as P Diddy, Justin Timberlake and Maria Carey. Since then, she  has won numerous awards including BWB Best Entrepreneur of the Year in 2018.  Last year Kubi's book, I Am My Brand: How to build your brand without apology – a toolkit for personal brand success – was shortlisted in the Business Book Awards. We talk about what defines a brand and why it’s so important to learn and hone a craft before branching out on your own. “Every great personal brand has an art form, a skill that they’ve mastered ­– Oprah, presenter;