Grace Hill Church - Collierville, Tn

Encountering Jesus Week 9



Picture this: Jesus shows up at a wedding party, and disaster strikes when the wine supply runs dry. Can you imagine the embarrassment and shame the couple must have felt? But here's where it gets interesting. Jesus' mother, Mary, steps in and brings the problem to Jesus. Now, pay attention to the translation: Jesus responds with respect, addressing her as "Dear woman." There's a beautiful dynamic between a mother and son here. Mary knows Jesus can fix this, and she has confidence in him. So, Jesus takes six stone water jars used for ceremonial washing and turns the water into wine. The master of ceremonies is blown away, saying it's the best wine saved for last. Now, let's apply this to our lives. Our need isn't running out of wine at a party; it's the deep longing for hope, peace, and fulfillment. We try to find it in all the wrong places, but only Jesus can truly meet that need. He becomes the answer to our guilt, shame, and rejection. See, the water in the ceremonial jars symbolizes the old ways and burde