Keeping It Real With Shana Recker

125. What Drives Us



Over the weekend I watched the documentary What Drives Us by Dave Grohl. It. Was. Awesome. It's a documentary about what musicians have to go through in order to "make it" including living in their vans going from gig to gig. So many great stories from amazing artists like the Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Metallica, No Doubt and U2 to name a few. Bands of my youth! Today's episode is about the underlying message I took away from that movie. (Which by the way is available on Amazon Prime) Some really great lessons about doing what it takes to make it no matter what you are pursuing! Here is the link to learn more about What Drives Us. Leap Foundations my new 10-week mentorship is now OPEN for enrollment! Learn more here  Enrollment closes May 9th!Support the showThank you all so much for listening! I love sharing my journey and what I'm learning with you in this podcast!Let's connect on Insta!