Peace In My Pocket Guided Meditations

Episode 25 I am Love Guided Meditation



Welcome to Episode 25 of Peace in my Pocket Meditation Podcast. I am Cheryne and thank you for listening. Today’s meditation came to me while I was visitng Queensland last year. I remeber sitting next to a powerful waterful and feeling a rush of energy enter me. Three words came to mind... I AM LOVE. These three words are such a powerful affirmation that reminds us who and what we are beyond our personalities. Beyond the story of the ego, beyond the conditioning of the mind, in the depth of our being is a flickering light. This light is powered by universal energy. No matter how we label this energy... God, Source or The Universe the essence of this energy is love- pure consciousness. Use this meditatio when you are stuck in an Egoic story. A delusional story that blinds you from the truth. As you say this affirmation, your body will respond to the resonance of these words. Your body will RE-member. And so, this meditation will offer you a healing and will take you back to your natural state of grace. Enjo