Compliance Perspectives

Regina Gurvich on Staying Motivated [Podcast]



By Adam Turteltaub Regina Gurvich, Chief Compliance & Risk Officer for Omni Opthalmic Management Consultants knows from first-hand experience that it’s not always easy for compliance officers to stay motivated. There is often a strong headwind, and sometimes a brick wall. To stay motivated she advises focusing on getting your voice heard, staying true to yourself and finding enjoyment in what you to do a daily basis. For her, that begins with clinging to her idealism and the belief that few people wake up in the morning looking to do the wrong thing. Focus, she advises, on the fact that for many people the right thing just isn’t clear enough.  Think about ways to educate them and look to do so on a continuous basis. Encourage them not to just know what the law is but understand what it means and how to operationalize it. Also, grab onto your natural curiosity. Take the time to learn as much as you can about the business and how people go about doing their jobs. Understand where the money comes from and wh