Madison Church

The Path to Restoring God's Dream | In The Beginning (Part 1) | Stephen Feith



Have you ever woken up from a dream that left you emotionally and physically reeling, questioning the boundaries between reality and fantasy? I know I have, and in this episode, we explore the power of dreams and their significance in our lives. We'll even consider the concept that God had a dream that evolved into a nightmare - not implying that our existence is awful, but rather that there's so much more intended for us.Diving into the unique concept of the Trinity, we'll discuss how it reveals that our God is a relational God who loves us. Using the creation story of Adam and Eve as a guide, we'll examine God's dream for us and how sin distorted that original vision. But fear not, there's still hope to restore God's dream through the power of the Holy Spirit and living selflessly and generously.Finally, we challenge you to live relationally open lives, reflecting the open relationships that Jesus had with others. By doing so, we can help restore God's world through s