Madison Church

Pray Like This... (Part 2) | Intercession | Jacob Musselman



Prayer is, at its most basic, straightforward simply talking to God. And just like any other conversation or relationship, it has different aspects.We’re in part two of this series called Pray Like This… The disciples notice that prayer is a regular part of Jesus’ life. They saw prayer as a foundational practice to Jesus, so they came to him with a straightforward request: “Lord, teach us to pray.” Today we’re going to learn about a form of prayer called intercessory prayer.Intercession is the act of intervening on behalf of one another. It is the practice of coming to God with other people’s or our communities needs. Intercessory prayer is asking God to make right what is currently not right. It’s asking him to bring Heaven to Earth. God is very committed to bringing his kingdom into the places, communities, situations, and people where his will still needs to be done.God’s will is not yet fully realized on Earth. Everything that happens is not God’s will. Things that happen in this world are not God’s will.