Golf Strategy School Podcast

GSS 132: 3 Tips to Better Pitching | Simple Golf Tips



It's time to get down to business and start shaving some strokes from your golf game in all those hard to reach places (lol)! When we're golfing and we come across a shot in that tough in between distance we need to have plan. 1. Use a less lofted club when you have less than a full swing (try maybe a pitching wedge or a 9 iron). 2. Don't set up like a regular shot. Narrow your stance and get closer to the ball for better contact. If you're still struggling doing that put about 60% of your weight on your front foot. 3. Get hyper focused on your goal. Follow your A.V.E.nue to success by putting your mental energy into thinking about where you want the ball to land rather than what could go wrong. Want to see the exact structured practices you can use to improve your game quickly? Want them for free for 30 days? Visit to sign up!Friend of the show Chris Finn from Par 4 Success has put together a free assessment to see how your four main rotation centers measure up