Wise Skies Astrology Podcast

A Voice from Heaven, an interview with Cindy Girman



After her son Alec tragically passed away, Cindy Girman was tasked with the spiritual opportunity to write a book that would answer questions about the afterlife, while honoring Alec. She did this through automatic writing practices early in the morning for 8 weeks. In this special interview, Cindy shares more about her process, the calling, and her special new relationship with her son.  Her message of hope: “Love is everything. I hope that by reading this book, readers recognize that and appreciate that life does not end when our physical body gives out. We have much to look forward to and much to do before then. Also that there are ways to continue your relationship with your loved ones who pass to the spiritual realm, only in a different way.” Buy the book: https://tinyurl.com/4j88ta3h Note: 50% of proceeds fund research for more effective treatments for addiction at the University of North Carolina. Cindy and her husband Tom have a goal to fund a pilot study of new brain stimulation technology to assist