The Leadership Japan Series By Dale Carnegie Training Japan

522 Post-Covid Leadership Challenges



 Many of our clients have told us that Covid and especially remote working situations, revealed a lot about the leadership frailty of their organisations.  When everyone was in the office, the inability of mid-level leaders to lead was effectively masked.  However, once the big homeward bound migration took place, sizeable gaps suddenly became apparent. These gaps were around the communication of the firm’s strategy, direction, the alignment of the team and getting things done.  Each of these aspects had to be updated in a rapidly changing Covid environment, where in the early phases, there were no vaccines and people were dying in droves. The latest Covid variants are highly contagious, but less lethal.  The government has moved Covid down the scale to be equivalent with the flu.  Current numbers are about 70% of firms are back in the office in Japan, so there is now a more complex hybrid challenge to deal with.  Communication becomes more difficult when some staff are meeting colleagues in person and others